Upcoming Changes

For important BR announcements.

Moderators: Everybody, Bluestar

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Upcoming Changes

Post by Everybody »

Over the next few months, we'll be experiencing a period of redesign as the landscape of the Realms gradually changes. I'll be doing everything I can, along with Bluestar, Brodgar, Scavenger, and the up-and-coming helpers that are assisting in this project, to make it as painless as possible on the main player base.

Primarily, we are working on replacing some of the older, less descriptive areas - particularly those stock items from ten years ago, and Oakley's quickly sketched in Barren Realms paths - and bringing them up to the more typical standard we now have for new areas. While doing this, we will also, by necessity, be rearranging the locations of a number of areas that connect to them. Confusion is expected, although I will try my best to leave notes, posts here, and signs with general instructions to where they've moved to.

Yes, some of the old areas are simply going away. We have plans in place to gradually update or rewrite most of them. Note that doing so for the entirety of these areas will take some time, so bear with us.

Yes, not all of these relocations will happen immediately upon the updated area's first inclusion. Moving dozens of areas requires checking and double-checking each attach point on each side, as well as ensuring the old exits are properly removed. Returning all the areas to attached states quickly will be the immediate priority following a major replacement. I will make a note as to which zones are moving, but not yet attached, alongside each announcement of replacements.

Yes, this means we will be updating Aod's maps. I do not expect the revised maps will be in immediately upon the initial moves, but each wave's maps will be finished prior to doing another major upheaval.

Yes, I expect to keep the old areas around to prevent sudden eq disappearance, although the infrequency of people using the areas slated for removal should leave most players in the clear. Too, keeping them around will give us the chance to remedy any unforeseen issues that crop up with the replacement process.

First up on the slate is Haon Dor, and its surrounding areas. We're playtesting it at the moment, and I expect it to go in sometime this weekend, once I have the majority of the connections properly reconfigured.

Please do come to me, through a PM on this forum, via note, or by catching me online, with any concerns you have regarding this, any problems you've noticed that came up with a previous replacement, or even offers to assist us with these changes.
Your local know-it-all. ;)
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