Rules on Barren Realms that I just found out.

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Rules on Barren Realms that I just found out.

Post by yunioko »

Well I just found out that if you level your mort of to level 50 and stay there to help people. You will be forced to make level 51. I find that very disagreable.. Would you like to explain this to me? :angry7:
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Post by Everybody »

It's a balance thing. High level morts can be abused to provide so much help to lower level morts that it essentially destroys all challenge in the game as a whole, as well as drastically expanding access to typically difficult to obtain items, and inflating the total amount of gold available (making power enhancing and such easier). This said, level 50 morts are not discouraged from helping other morts, but if we feel that you're beginning to unbalance the game through your actions, yes, you will be asked to level (and make hero), or delete that character. This does not apply solely to level 50 chars (any 45+ char that spends a lot of time online gets looked at), but we do try to limit it to those characters who are blatant about distributing items/gold/assistance (especially to help level lowbie alts).
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Post by disaster »

In other words, as long as you're reasonable about the help you provide, it's not likely to be an issue. An occasional CR and such is rather a nice thing to do, but going around passing out level 50 enchants to every single character online along with tens of millions of coins or equpment that is meant to be hard to obtain is maybe not the best idea since that sort of thing unbalances the game quickly.
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